Promoter Drama
A Performer Vents, A Promoter Responds…
PAY ME!! By Gordon Neil
It’s time that somebody said something about it out loud, so I guess that I’ll be that someone. Why are we still being shorted out or our respect and our money? You might be asking, “Who is ‘we’?”. We are the reason that people go to congresses. We are the reason that people travel from place to place to attend congresses. We are the reason that people pay anywhere from $30-$50 to get into the venue……for the full article click here!
Response to “Pay Me” from a promoter’s point of view – By David Melendez
You know I do understand what you were talking about. I too use groups that may or may not have any business on the stage, but you also have to understand that it takes a lot to put together a well run congress, festivals, cruises or shindigs like you put it. Don’t get me wrong, you are right in many respects but if you ever took the time to see what goes on in an event there was a lot of money already spent before you even got there ……for the full article click here!
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